Contessa Roberts



Contessa Roberts is a German-American photographic artist and freelance art historian.
Her artistic career began with lessons in photographic technique and design from an artistic mentor, a photographer and cameraman for public broadcasting. She studied art history, classical archaeology and ethnology in Frankfurt am Main and Heidelberg (M.A.) and completed her doctorate in Freiburg im Breisgau.

Parallel to her work as a freelance cultural service provider, including cultural mediation, curation and historical research, she created an artistic oeuvre that developed from differentiated landscape portraits to increasingly abstract-structural works. 

The transformation of  the subject is a key element of many works. Within this process, an inner dialog takes place with the motif. It is dissected, reinterpreted or given a completely different identity.

Her works refer to diverse topics, including myths, natural phenomena, the everyday environment and – with increasing significance – social and/or political contexts.

The interaction of titles and subjects is a crucial part of the overall composition, in which an intense discussion of literary, cinematic or musical stimuli plays an essential role.

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